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Operation Evacuation: Relocating Our Flexitanks In Advance Of Hurricane Laura


Updated: Oct 21, 2020

After weather reports of Hurricane Laura became more clear and it was inevitable that the highly volatile storm was going to hit our base operations in Houston, TX we immediately activated our emergency hurricane plan to ensure that we would be able to conduct business without any interruption – regardless of the impact Laura had on the city. This is our story:

One crucial element of our emergency hurricane plan was to move our Shark Tanks to a more secure location. We have a variety of locations to take our Shark Tanks and ensure that they are well out of the path of the storm. Once a location was chosen, we prepared the Shark Tanks for transport.

Before loading the Shark Tanks, the containers needed to be prepped with our state-of-the-art protective lining. This ensures that the Shark Tank deploys in the container safely as the product loads. Once the lining is installed the empty Shark Tanks are placed inside the container on that material.


Afterwards, we loaded the fully prepared containers into 53’ High Cube trailers, complete with chassis. The trailer was then immediately hauled to our secure location, keeping our Shark Tanks well out of the path of the storm and ensuring our business will be fully functional when the hurricane passed.


Finally, Hurricane Laura passed, and it was time to get back to work. The Shark Tanks arrived home safe and sound. Most importantly, the emergency hurricane plan was a success and our clients did not miss a beat on any of their shipments.

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